How To Make Coffee When You’re Backpacking

By | July 7, 2023

How To Make Coffee When You're Backpacking

Are you an outdoor enthusiast that loves the freedom of backpacking, but can’t fathom the thought of giving up your morning cup of Joe?

Don’t worry, with a few simple items and a little know-how, you can brew up a delicious cup of coffee while out on the trail! You don’t need fancy equipment to make a great cup of coffee while backpacking, just a few supplies and a bit of knowledge.

So, ditch the instant coffee and learn how to make a truly great cup of coffee when you’re out in the wild. Get ready for a flavorful cup of Joe that will give you the perfect start to your day of backpacking!

Key Takeaways

  • Making coffee while backpacking doesn’t require fancy equipment
  • Gathering necessary supplies for brewing coffee outdoors is easy
  • Choosing the right brewing method is crucial for a perfect cup of coffee while backpacking
  • Using freshly ground beans and the right brewing method ensures an enjoyable cup of coffee in the outdoors

Gather the Necessary Supplies

Gathering the necessary supplies to make coffee while backpacking needn’t be a difficult task. All you need is a light kettle and a few tasteful beans. You can always find boiling water in nature, whether it’s a stream, a lake, or a fire.

Having the right supplies allows you to make delicious, warm coffee wherever you are. Plus, you can enjoy the feeling of freedom that comes with being able to make coffee outdoors.

Make sure to pack everything up when you’re done so you’re always ready when that craving for coffee strikes!

Choose Your Brewing Method

Choosing the right brewing method can be the key to a perfect cup of joe when you’re out and about. Going filter-free with a pour-over is your best bet for achieving a delicious cup of coffee.

This method is lightweight and easy to assemble with materials you can find at any corner store or gas station. With a little practice, you can even make a cup of coffee faster than a drip machine. Just make sure you have a good grinder to get the most out of your beans.

Pour-over brewing also has the added benefit of allowing you to customize your cup of coffee to your exact tastes. You can adjust the strength and flavor to find the perfect balance for your palate. If you’re looking to lighten your load and make coffee with ease, pour-over is the way to go.

Prepare the Coffee Grounds

Once you’ve selected your favorite beans, it’s time to prepare the coffee grounds for your pour-over brew. Grinding is key to achieving a delicious cup, as freshly ground beans will give you the most vibrant flavor.

For the best results, grind coffee just before brewing. Measure out your grounds, making sure to use the right ratio of coffee to water. If you’re using pre-ground beans, use a scoop to measure. If you’re grinding your own beans, use a scale to get an accurate measurement.

Be aware that the grind size can affect the brew time and flavor, so experiment to find the perfect grind for your beans.

With the right brewing method and freshly ground beans, you’re sure to have a cup of coffee that will make your backpacking trip even more enjoyable.

Enjoy Your Cup of Joe!

Finally, it’s time to savor the fruits of your labor and enjoy a cup of your freshly brewed coffee, as smooth and rich as silk. After all the preparation you’ve gone through, you can now sit back, relax, and take in all the flavors and aromas of your coffee.

If you want to switch it up, there are plenty of caffeine alternatives you can use as campfire brewing ingredients, such as chicory, dandelion root, and even wild herbs. Whatever your choice, you can enjoy the satisfaction of having made your own cup of Joe in the outdoors.

So, grab your cup and a campfire classic snack, and enjoy your hot beverage with the freedom of the outdoors.


You’ve done it! You’ve brewed yourself a delicious cup of coffee, even when you’re out in the middle of nowhere. And you didn’t have to sacrifice quality for convenience.

Brewing coffee while backpacking can be a great way to start the morning and give you the energy to take on whatever challenges the day may bring. So, don’t be afraid to take a break and enjoy your cup of joe! You’ve earned it.