How to make espresso with a coffee machine?

By | October 11, 2023

Hey there! If you’re eager to make a perfect cup of espresso with your coffee machine, this step-by-step guide is just what you need. It takes you through each stage, from gathering the necessary ingredients to enjoying your very own rich and flavorful espresso. So, get ready to become a barista in the comfort of your own kitchen!

Top-Rated Coffee Machines for Every Coffee Lover!


Prepare the coffee machine

  1. Clean your coffee machine: Start by ensuring that your coffee machine is clean and ready for use. Remove any old coffee grounds and rinse out the brew basket. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the exterior of the machine and remove any residue or stains. Cleaning your coffee machine regularly will help maintain the taste and quality of your coffee.
  2. Fill the water reservoir: Before brewing your coffee, make sure to fill the water reservoir with fresh, clean water. Locate the water reservoir, usually located at the back or side of the machine. Lift the lid or remove the reservoir and fill it with cold water. Be careful not to overfill, as it may cause spills or messes. Securely place the reservoir back into its position and ensure it is properly sealed.
  3. Prepare the coffee grounds: Now it’s time to get your coffee grounds ready. Depending on your coffee machine, you may need to use pre-packaged coffee pods, a coffee filter, or a coffee grinder with whole beans. Follow the instructions provided by your machine’s manufacturer to ensure you are using the right amount of coffee grounds for your desired strength. Place the coffee grounds in the designated area, such as the filter basket or coffee pod holder.

By following these steps, you will have a clean coffee machine ready to brew your favorite cup of coffee. Enjoy the aroma and taste of a perfectly prepared cuppa!


Measure and grind the coffee beans

  1. Measure out the desired amount of coffee beans for your espresso. Start by determining the amount of coffee you need based on the number of cups or shots you want to make. A general guideline is using 1-2 tablespoons of coffee per cup or 18-20 grams per shot.
  2. Use a quality coffee grinder to grind the beans to a fine consistency. Make sure your grinder is clean and ready to use. For espresso, a fine grind is crucial to achieve optimal extraction. Set your grinder to the appropriate setting for espresso, or adjust it to a fine setting if necessary.
  3. Place the measured coffee beans into the grinder hopper, ensuring it is not overloaded. It’s best to grind the beans in smaller batches to maintain consistency. Securely close the hopper lid to avoid any spills.
  4. Turn on the grinder and let it do its magic! Allow the beans to be ground until you achieve the desired consistency. This may take a few seconds or longer, depending on your grinder and the fineness setting.
  5. Once the grinding process is complete, carefully open the hopper lid and remove the freshly ground coffee. Inspect the grounds to ensure they are evenly fine and there are no clumps.

Grinding your coffee beans just before brewing ensures the freshest and most flavorful cup of espresso. Enjoy the aromatic experience and savor the rich flavors that this process brings to your coffee.


Preheat the coffee machine

To preheat your coffee machine, start by turning it on and allowing it to warm up for about 10 minutes. This will ensure that the internal components, such as the boiler and group head, reach the desired temperature. During this time, you can also prepare your coffee grounds and ensure that your portafilter is clean and ready to use.

Once the machine has warmed up, run a small amount of hot water through the group head. This helps to flush out any residual coffee oils or debris that may be present. Simply place an empty cup underneath the group head, engage the brew button, and allow the water to flow for a few seconds. Then, turn off the brew button and discard the water.

After flushing the group head, it’s a good idea to also heat your cups. This can be done by filling them with hot water and letting them sit for a minute or two. Empty the cups before placing them back on the machine’s cup warmer.

By preheating your coffee machine, you ensure that the water temperature is optimal for extracting the flavors from your coffee grounds. This step is crucial in achieving a delicious, well-balanced cup of espresso. So, take a few extra minutes to properly preheat your machine and enjoy the best possible coffee experience.


Fill and tamp the coffee grounds

To fill the portafilter with freshly ground coffee, start by scooping the coffee into the portafilter basket until it is full. Use a spoon or your finger to level the coffee, ensuring it is evenly distributed across the basket. Next, take the tamper and place it on top of the coffee grounds. Apply gentle pressure as you press down, making sure to keep the tamper level with the basket. This will help create a compact and even coffee puck, which is essential for a balanced extraction. Remember to tamp with a steady hand and avoid any sudden movements to maintain consistency.


Brew the espresso

To brew the espresso, you’ll need to start by attaching the portafilter to the coffee machine. This is the part that holds the coffee grounds and allows water to pass through them. Make sure the portafilter is clean and dry before attaching it to the machine.


  1. Take the portafilter and remove any leftover coffee grounds or residue from the previous use. Wipe it clean with a dry cloth.
  2. Insert the portafilter into the group head of the coffee machine. Ensure that it is securely attached and properly aligned.
  3. Depending on your machine, you may need to preheat the portafilter by running hot water through it for a few seconds. Refer to your machine’s instructions for this step.
  4. Next, dose the coffee grounds into the portafilter. Use a coffee grinder to grind the beans to a fine, consistent texture. Aim for about 18-20 grams of coffee for a standard double shot.
  5. Distribute the coffee grounds evenly in the portafilter by tapping it gently on the counter or using a distribution tool. The coffee should be level and evenly distributed to ensure even extraction.
  6. Tamp the coffee grounds firmly using a tamper. Apply even pressure to compact the coffee and create a level surface. The tamper should fit snugly in the portafilter and be perpendicular to the counter surface.
  7. With the portafilter attached and the coffee grounds prepared, place your cup or shot glass under the group head. Start the brewing process by pressing the appropriate button or lever on your coffee machine.
  8. As the water passes through the coffee grounds, you will see a rich, dark liquid being extracted. The brewing time will depend on your preferences and the machine, but generally, a double shot of espresso takes around 25-30 seconds.
  9. Once the brewing process is complete, enjoy your freshly brewed espresso!

Remember to follow the specific instructions and recommendations for your coffee machine, as different models may have slight variations in the brewing process.


Enjoy your espresso

Once the espresso is brewed, carefully remove the portafilter from the coffee machine. Gently twist it counterclockwise to release it from the group head. Take caution as the portafilter might still be hot. Next, grab a preheated cup to preserve the optimal temperature of your espresso.

Now, pour the rich and aromatic espresso into the cup. As the dark liquid fills the cup, you can already anticipate the wonderful flavors that await. Take a moment to appreciate the deep and intense aroma that wafts through the air.

Once your cup is filled, it’s time to savor your espresso. Enjoy it as is, relishing the unique characteristics of the carefully extracted coffee. Alternatively, you can use the espresso as a base for other delightful coffee beverages. Whether it’s a velvety cappuccino or a creamy latte, let your creativity guide you and explore the endless possibilities of your espresso creation. Cheers to a satisfying coffee experience!

Wrap it up!

In conclusion, learning how to make espresso with a coffee machine opens up a world of possibilities for enjoying a perfect cup of espresso right in the comfort of your own home. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can master the art of brewing espresso and experiment with different flavors and techniques to find your own personal favorite. So go ahead, grab your coffee machine, some quality coffee beans, and start brewing your way to a delicious cup of espresso. Happy brewing!

Get Ready!

  • Espresso machine
  • Coffee beans
  • Coffee grinder
  • Tamper
  • Espresso cups

Expert Advice

  • Start by choosing the right coffee beans for your espresso. Look for beans that are specifically labeled for espresso brewing
  • Grind the coffee beans just before brewing. Use a fine grind size, as this will allow for optimal extraction and a rich flavor
  • Measure the correct amount of coffee grounds for your shot. The standard ratio is around 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds for every 1 ounce of espresso
  • Tamp the coffee grounds firmly and evenly into the portafilter. This will ensure even extraction and a consistent shot
  • Preheat your espresso machine before brewing. This will help maintain a stable temperature throughout the brewing process
  • Attach the portafilter to the machine and start the brewing process. Aim to extract the espresso within 25-30 seconds for the best results
  • Keep an eye on the espresso as it pours. The ideal shot should have a steady, even flow and a rich, golden crema on top
  • Once the desired amount of espresso has been extracted, stop the brewing process and remove the portafilter
  • Clean the portafilter and group head after each use to prevent any buildup or clogs that can affect the taste of your espresso
  • Enjoy your freshly brewed espresso as is, or use it as a base for other delicious drinks like lattes or cappuccinos

Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee Has Never Been Easier

  • Fill the water reservoir: Make sure your coffee machine has enough water for brewing. Check the instructions to locate the water reservoir and fill it with clean, cold water
  • Add coffee grounds: Depending on the type of coffee machine you have, you will need to add the appropriate amount of coffee grounds. Consult the user manual or the instructions on the coffee package for guidance
  • Place the coffee filter: If your coffee machine uses a paper filter, place it in the designated area. If it has a built-in filter, skip this step. Make sure the filter is properly seated and secure
  • Start the brewing process: Once everything is set up, press the power button or turn the dial to start the brewing process. The coffee machine will heat the water and pass it through the coffee grounds, creating your delicious cup of coffee
  • Enjoy your freshly brewed coffee: Once the brewing process is complete, carefully remove the carafe or cup from the machine. Pour yourself a cup of freshly brewed coffee and savor the aroma and flavor
  • Remember to clean your coffee machine regularly and follow any additional instructions provided by the manufacturer to ensure proper maintenance and longevity of your coffee machine